Urogynecology is the study, diagnosis and treatment of female urinary incontinence and pelvic floor disorders. Both are remarkably common problems, but some women are often reluctant to seek help due to social stigmas surrounding the disorders. We are equipped to address this and other similar concerns and provide appropriate education and comprehensive intervention.

With this focus and specialization in uro-gynecology, we engage in the treatment of conditions such as urinary incontinence, voiding difficulties, irritable bladder, pelvic organ prolapse, and reconstructive pelvic surgery, we are able to offer an array of specialized services available in very few South Florida settings. Through education, expert evaluation and the most advanced treatment modalities, we will work diligently to solve your individual uro-gynecologic problem, provide relief to your symptoms and help you improve your overall quality of life.

  • Urogynecology and pelvic reconstructive surgery
  • Advanced Urodynamics
  • Urinary retention and hesitancy
  • Premenstrual syndrome management
  • Complex benign gynecologic surgery
  • Uterine endometrial ablation
  • NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation
  • Gynecare Thermachoice®
  • GYN surgery
  • Hysterectomy
  • Myomectomy
  • Urinary urgency, frequency, nocturia
  • Urinary and fecal Incontinence
  • Vulvoplasty
  • Overactive bladder syndrome
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Mesh removal
  • Pain during urination or intercourse
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Cystocele, Rectocele, and Enterocele
  • Cystoscopy (diagnostic and operative)
  • Pelvic pain and endometriosis
  • Recurrent urinary tract infection
  • Hematuria
  • Vulvar pain syndrome
  • Sacral Nerve Stimulation
  • Specialized pelvic floor rehabilitation and therapy
  • Vaginoplasty

Painful bladder syndromes are often mistaken for recurrent urinary tract infections. The symptoms can include pelvic pain, urgency, bladder overactivity or pain, and urinary frequency and nocturia. Many painful bladder syndromes can be divided into three categories based on the clinical course. Painful bladder syndromes include the diagnoses of interstitial cystitis (IC) and urethral syndrome.

Cystoscopy is an important part of the evaluation for patients where painful bladder syndromes are suspected. This type of examination will often reveal inflammation and abnormalities in the lining of the bladder, and also helps rule-out other causes of the symptoms. The conclusive cause for painful bladder syndromes is unknown therefore there is no known cure. Several treatment modalities, including diet and medications, are available to potentially reduce symptoms and achieve remission.

The symptoms that accompany urethral syndrome are irritative and include: urinary frequency, urgency and burning, suprapubic pain, and a slow urinary stream. Because these symptoms are so common with other urinary problems, other possibilities must be eliminated.

Vaginal prolapse is a condition where the bladder, urethra, rectum, or uterus bulges into the vagina. Women with this problem may feel like there is something falling out of the vagina while others sense increased pelvic pressure. The bulging or dropped organs may make it difficult to empty the bladder or the rectum and engage in vaginal intercourse.

The loss of support by the vaginal muscles causes pelvic organs to prolapse. This weakening of the vagina is associated with multiple or difficult childbirth, however, smoking, obesity, aging, menopause, chronic constipation, genetic predisposition, lung disease, and chronic lifting can also be contributory factors. Prolapse can be treated with surgery or by fitting the vagina with a device called a vaginal pessary. Newer techniques and less invasive approaches have greatly improved the number of successful outcomes for women with these problems.

Recurrent urinary infections afflict many, many women and may be due to anatomical problems, menopause, or improper voiding habits. Often, there are simple solutions to correct this bothersome problem.

Urinary incontinence is any leakage of urine or loss of bladder control. In the United States, millions of women suffer from urinary incontinence, and its devastating and embarrassing side effects. Billions of dollars are spent on incontinence protection each year.

The two most common types of urinary incontinence are stress incontinence and overactive bladder. Stress incontinence is caused by a weakening of the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body. Women with stress incontinence commonly have urine leakage when they laugh, cough, walk, pick up a heavy object or engage in other exertional activities.

Women with overactive bladder, or urge incontinence, often feel a strong need to go to the bathroom but an inability to get there in time. Other symptoms include urinary frequency and the need to urinate several times during the night. Some women with urge incontinence loose urine when they hear running water, change position, or put their key in the door. Overactive bladder is caused by unexpected contractions of the bladder muscle.

The two types of urinary incontinence are treatable ailments however they are treated differently. It is important to obtain an accurate diagnosis from an expert in the field in order to ensure the proper treatment.

Voiding dysfunction is defined as generalized problems emptying the bladder. These can occur in women with neurological issues, pelvic floor problems including vaginal prolapse (see definition below), and in women with previous pelvic surgery. Women with voiding problems may have a sensation of fullness in the lower abdomen, a slow urine stream, a need to urinate shortly after urinating, and urinary frequency during the day and night. Many of these problems are correctable and those that are not correctable may be greatly improved. Beyond the quality of life benefits, it is extremely important to properly diagnose and treat voiding dysfunction as these types of problems lead to long-term kidney damage.

“Highly recommended, the staff is nice, professional and helpful. The time wait is less than 20 min. Results are well explained. Follow up reminders with messages and calls. The environmental is neat and clean. A friend referred me to that place and I’m satisfied.”

Ludnie G.