No matter how you choose to conceive, all forms of childbirth are beautiful. Natural birth is giving birth without an epidural, other forms of pharmaceutical pain relief, or medical interference. If you are considering a natural birth, you are not standing alone. Many women give birth without an epidural or medicine. If you’re wondering how to prepare for a natural birth, we recommend starting by implementing a natural birth plan.
At Women’s Care of Bradenton, we offer a variety of female health services. Our goal is to empower female medical choices and make sure you are given the best quality care possible. After all, feminine health is the core of our practice. We can help you create the most optimal natural birth plan and discuss how to prepare for natural birth.
A little under half of the women who give birth opt to have an unmedicated birth. Some of these women have been planning a natural birth for months, while others simply had no time for an epidural. No matter your case, we are here to help you with the best advice. We realize the decision to use medication is an extremely personal one, and we respect your wishes. From education to your support system, let’s discuss how you can successfully prepare for natural birth without an epidural.
Pinpoint Why
It is important to consider what your natural birth means to you. Do you want to have a birth without any medical intervention, or do you just want to have a birth without pain medicine? Getting to the root of why you want a natural birth will help you direct your attention accordingly. Ask yourself if you are concerned about possible side effects or prior experience. Maybe you want a natural birth as a sense of accomplishment. Figuring out why can help you and your doctor achieve your goals.
A very effective way to prepare for unmedicated childbirth is to enroll in prenatal and childbirth classes. You want to be prepared for what is to come, and educating yourself is a fantastic way to prepare yourself. Maybe this is your first time giving birth. In that case, if you know what is to come, you can mitigate a lot of the fear or worry that may come up.
Childbirth classes can also teach you non-medicated methods of pain relief like breathing techniques. Pain is almost unavoidable in childbirth, so being able to manage it will be the key. A popular method for preparing for childbirth is the Lamaze Technique. The technique is an alternative option to medicine for pain management.
Create a Natural Birth Plan
Once you have a better understanding of your birthing goals, you can develop a plan to achieve them. It is smart to work with professionals like us who understand and respect your birthing wishes. Your plan will entail what you want to happen before, during, and after you go into labor. You should also decide the details early on because, in the miracle moment, you may not have time to think through decisions.
We recommend you choose who you want in the birthing room. You can also include either preference in your birthing plan, like if you plan to breastfeed or what you want the surrounding environment to be like. By planning ahead of time, you can minimize stress on the big day by creating a controlled environment. You should also include medical specifications in your plan, like if you want a natural water rupture, episiotomy, an IV, and more.
Be Prepared to Face Comments
People may not understand why you choose to have an unmedicated birth and impose their contradiction onto you. This is expected, and since we can’t control how other people respond, we can control our reaction by having an explanation ready. Of course, you don’t owe anyone an explanation for your decisions, but having one prepared may be for you.
Being prepared to answer contradictions can actually help you when it comes to your unmedicated childbirth. Often, our initial reaction, when proposed with a countering or offensive opinion, is to tense up. When we enter our natural childbirth, we must remember to relax because stiffening up our muscles can make the whole process more painful.
You can practice relaxation if you are faced with contradictions. Simply explain your side of the situation if you want to. Don’t let their comments cause you pain, and in any scenario, remember the power of deep breathing.
Laying on your back is not the only way you can give birth. For centuries women have used a squatting position to give birth. Squatting places your baby in the ideal birthing position. Don’t worry; practicing squatting during pregnancy will not induce labor. However, we always recommend consulting with your doctor first. If your baby is not in the ideal position during your third trimester, ask about sitting cross-legged or practicing to hold squats.
Giving birth requires stamina and the ability to get through uncomfortable situations, a bit like exercising. You can start training once you know you are pregnant or even earlier on. Moving for 30 minutes a day, whether on the elliptical, treadmill, or outdoors, exercise can better prepare your body to handle an unmedicated birth. Check with your doctor to see which kinds of cardio are best and safest for you.
Increasing the flexibility of your hips can help you during childbirth. Stretching or participating in prenatal yoga can help you get ready to push on the big day. During pregnancy, our bodies actually produce relaxin which makes us more flexible. Be careful not to overstretch your body. As always, consult your doctor if yoga or stretching is safe for you.
Maintaining your fitness and eating a healthy diet during pregnancy may also make giving birth a bit easier for you. If you gain too much weight during pregnancy, your baby will also gain weight. Weight gain will result in a larger baby. It is more difficult and possibly painful to get a larger baby out of the birthing canal.
During labor, many women who opt for natural childbirth use water to manage pain. You can have a water birth, but even if you are not, you may find that water reduces your labor pain. Many women love being in the water for as long as possible during labor.
Contact Us
If you are pregnant or think you could be, contact us. We respect the wishes you may have regarding unmedicated childbirth. You can assure we will be there to give you top-of-the-line prenatal care and create a strategy for your natural birth. After all, we empower your feminine health choices and admire your strength in choosing a natural birth. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment, and we can discuss your options.