How often have you heard people talking about the pregnancy glow and all the good things during this period? The future mothers look beautiful and happy, and their skin looks flawless and radiant.
But not many will talk about the other side of it, the not so pretty side. There are so many different skin conditions that can appear during these nine months, and most of them can be a source of significant irritation.
If you have trouble with inexplicable symptoms on your skin, we’ve gathered the answers to the frequently asked questions. Hopefully, the answers Dr. Trogolo, an OBGYN, provided will help you better understand and manage the problems you are experiencing.
What Are the Most Common Skin Conditions During Pregnancy?
Skin changes are not a rare occurrence while you are expecting, and many women have experienced at least one unpleasant condition. Fortunately, most of these skin issues are not dangerous and disappear once the gestation is over.
Here are the most common ones:
- Stretch marks
- Linea nigra
- Melasma – spots during pregnancy
- Pregnancy acne
- Spider veins
- Varicose veins
- Dark spots on nipples or breasts
What Is the Cause of Skin Conditions During Pregnancy in General?
Many problems appear because of the levels of the hormone change during gestation. However, some of them happen because of belly growth and skin stretching or because of gaining weight. At the same time, there are also somewhere the actual cause is unknown.
Why Stretch Marks Occur?
Stretch marks are one of the most common skin conditions during pregnancy. They can appear on the belly, thighs, breasts, and backside. These fine lines can sometimes be red or pale white and happen due to the rapid growth of the belly or weight gain of the other body parts.
The lines are barely visible for some women, while they can be prominent and noticeable for others. This is because not everyone has the same skin elasticity, and genetics also plays a big part here. You can’t avoid them or erase them during pregnancy; however, you can use moisturizers to soften your skin and prevent heavy stretch marks.
For some women, stretch marks disappear completely after giving birth, while for others, they stay or become less visible.
What Is Linea Nigra?
One of the strangest skin conditions most women experience is the Linea nigra. It is a dark line that runs down the belly vertically. It’s also called the pregnancy line, and it happens because the levels of estrogen and progesterone are much higher during these nine months.
Linea nigra will usually be more visible in women with darker skin. But it will disappear after just a few weeks after giving birth.
What Is Melasma?
Dark spots during pregnancy are usual, and they occur because the levels of melanin in the body are elevated. Often this condition is called the “mask of pregnancy.” Although it sounds terrifying, it is harmless, and the dark spots usually fade away after gestation.
You can alleviate spots during pregnancy by applying sunscreen every time you go outside.
How Common Are Pregnancy Acne?
Pregnancy acne is frequent, and it can happen even to women who never had such skin problems. Also, those that have struggled with acne even before conceiving can experience worsening inflammation.
How Are Pregnancy Acne Treated?
It’s essential not to ignore acne if you experience them. You should take care of your skin and pay attention to the hygiene of your face. Don’t forget to wash your face with a cleanser and remove all of the makeup. It would be best to avoid using makeup if the symptoms worsen. It will help if you use creams that hydrate the skin but avoid those with a lot of oil. You can also choose products that contain azelaic acid, glycolic acid, or topical salicylic acid. It would be best if you could change your pillowcase a few times a week and avoid using synthetic options.
If your symptoms worsen and the inflammation of your pregnancy acne becomes a problem, you can consult with a dermatologist for further advice and therapy.
What Are Spider Veins?
During the nine months of carrying a baby, many hormonal changes happen, and you have higher amounts of blood in your body. And both of these things can be why patches of small red veins start to appear. These are known as spider veins, and they can become visible on your arms, neck, or even your face. And you may wonder how to get rid of spider veins, but like many other skin conditions, they disappear after birth.
What Are Varicose Veins?
Varicose veins can happen to anyone, but they are prevalent during gestation because the pressure of the uterus can significantly decrease the blood flow from your legs. This makes the veins in your legs become swollen and hurt. They will successfully disappear once the pressure is gone after the baby is born.
How to Prevent Varicose Veins?
You can’t prevent a condition like this, but you can stop further complications by taking a few additional steps. As they swell, varicose veins can become sore and itchy, and to soothe it; you can do the following:
- Avoid constant sitting for long periods, stand up every once in a while, and walk around.
- Avoid sitting with crossed legs.
- Take regular light outside walks.
- If it is possible, wear compression socks.
- Don’t forget to exercise and ask your OBGYN what the best form of exercise is for you.
What is PUPPP?
An annoying condition that can happen is called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy or PUPPPs. Even if it sounds scary, it’s harmless, and it’s a simple rash. It often happens near the stretch marks, but it can also occur on your arms and legs. You can use a steroid cream to soothe the itchy skin if you can’t stand it.
What Is Cholestasis of Pregnancy?
A rare skin condition that’s not supposed to be taken lightly is cholestasis of pregnancy. It’s itchy skin, but without the visible rash. The worse symptoms occur on your palms, soles of the feet, and tights. And it’s all due to a disruption of the normal flow of bile in the gallbladder.
If you experience severe itching at any part of your body that’s not accompanied by a rash, you need to contact your healthcare provider immediately. It’s a condition that needs to be treated to avoid severe complications and potential fetal death.
If You Have Further Questions
These were the answers to the frequently asked questions regarding skin conditions that can happen during pregnancy. Most of these problems are not severe and will not affect the quality of your everyday life. They may be an annoyance now that you have to care for yourself and your future child. However, don’t let any of them spoil your mood, as the most important thing is that you and your baby are safe and healthy.
These issues are easily manageable, and you shouldn’t stress about them. If you have any more questions regarding this topic, please contact us at Trogolo OBGYN healthcare practice, and we will gladly give you the answers.
Our mission is to keep you healthy and assist you in bringing a healthy baby into this world. We are here to help you and guide you throughout the whole process and make your pregnancy as enjoyable as it can be. Call us to book an appointment today to discuss any skin problems bothering you.