One of many common pregnancy symptoms during the second trimester is round ligament pain. It’s a typical symptom that you shouldn’t worry about at all. However, if other indications like extreme abdominal pain accompany it, you should seek help from your doctor.
If you want to learn more about round ligament pain stretches and how long does round ligament pain last, we at Trogolo obstetrics can help you. Keep reading this article to learn more about this topic.
What Is Round Ligament Pain
Round ligament pain occurs during pregnancy, and usually, it happens in the second trimester. It’s a common symptom due to the uterus stretching and its surrounding round ligaments.
You will feel pain in your abdomen that’s uncomfortable but not unbearable. You can also feel a sharp or stabbing sensation and cramps similar to ones you have during menstruation. Constant round ligament pain isn’t expected as this symptom only lasts for a few moments. But it can happen more than once during a day, and it’s more likely to happen during the last trimester.
The Causes of Round Ligament Pain
As the woman’s body is preparing and adjusting itself for the baby, the round ligaments are also stretching and adjusting. And as the pregnancy progresses, the ligaments stretch more and more, and it causes spasms and pain that many women experience.
Possible Treatment
There is no specific treatment for this type of pregnancy symptom, but there are some things you can do to ease the uncomfortable sensation.
- Practice prenatal yoga.
- Rest whenever you feel uncomfortable or if the pain is getting stronger.
How to Prevent Round Ligament Pain
Sometimes it’s not possible to prevent this type of abdominal pain, but it’s always best to have a good practice that can reduce the possibility of round ligament pain.
You can do yoga and other light exercises and avoid lifting heavy things, sudden movements, changing position, and standing and walking for long periods.
When Does This Symptom Stop?
Round ligament pain and stretches of the ligaments go away after giving birth. Your hormone levels, uterus, and ligaments go back to normal, and there’s no reason for this type of abdominal pain.
However, this type of pain can be a symptom of endometriosis in some cases, so you should pay attention if something like this happens and you are not pregnant.
When You Should Call the Doctor
In most cases, dull pain in the abdominal area during pregnancy is harmless, and it doesn’t indicate anything severe. However, sometimes if the abdominal pain is intense and other symptoms accompany it, it can be a sign of a complication.
You should call your doctor if you experience any of these additional symptoms alongside abdominal pain:
- Contractions
- Pain in the lower back
- Bleeding or any kind of vaginal discharge
- Fever
- Nausea and vomiting
- Constant round ligament pain
If you experience anything previously mentioned, you shouldn’t ignore it, and you should immediately seek medical attention.
Final Words
Pain in the abdomen is a usual symptom during pregnancy, and you shouldn’t panic if you experience it. The best thing you can do is rest and avoid any heavy lifting and tiring activities.
However, suppose you are not sure about the severity of the pain or experiencing any additional symptoms. In that case, the safest thing you can do is call your doctor and seek professional help. There’s nothing to worry about in most cases, but it’s best to take every possible precaution.
If you have any more concerns about this topic and anything else regarding your pregnancy, you can always consult with Dr. Nieves, OBGYN, here at Trogolo Obstetrics and Gynecology. Call us today and book your consultation with us. We are here for you.