
Weighing too much or too little can be a problem. In the United States, weighing too much is the more common situation. It can be unhealthy to be underweight or overweight. Of growing concern, many Americans are becoming obese, which means very overweight. Weight can influence how you look and feel about yourself.

Weighing too much can lead to many health problems, including heart disease and diabetes. Weighing too little can also lead to illness. Weight management means keeping your body weight at a healthy level. You can achieve and maintain your ideal weight by eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise.

Body Mass Index

Risk of Associated Disease According to BMI and Waist Size

BMI Waist less than or equal to
40 in. (men) or
35 in. (women)
Waist greater than
40 in. (men) or
35 in. (women)
18.5 or less Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal
25.0 – 29.9 Overweight Increased High
30.0 – 34.9 Obese High Very High
35.0 – 39.9 Obese Very High Very High
40 or greater Extremely Obese Extremely High Extremely High

It is also important to know your body mass index (BMI). BMI is frequently used by health care professionals to determine if a patient is overweight or obese. The BMI is also used to estimate how much body fat a person has. Your doctor, a nutritionist, or an exercise physiologist can measure your body mass. BMI percentages are used to determine your risk for certain diseases.

Ideal Weight Range


Height In Feet & Inches Small Frame Medium Frame Large Frame
5’2″ 128-134 131-141 138-150
5’3″ 130-136 133-143 140-153
5’4″ 132-138 135-145 142-156
5’5″ 134-140 137-148 144-160
5’6″ 136-142 139-151 146-164
5’7″ 138-145 142-154 149-168
5’8″ 140-148 145-157 152-172
5’9″ 142-151 148-160 155-176
5’10” 144-154 151-163 158-180
5’11” 146-157 154-176 161-184
6’0″ 149-160 157-170 164-188
6’1″ 152-164 160-174 168-192
6’2″ 155-168 164-178 172-197
6’3″ 158-172 167-182 176-202
6’4″ 162-176 171-187 181-207


Height In Feet & Inches Small Frame Medium Frame Large Frame
4’10” 102-111 109-121 118-131
4’11” 103-113 111-123 120-134
5’0″ 104-115 113-126 122-137
5’1″ 106-118 115-129 125-140
5’2″ 108-121 118-132 128-143
5’3″ 111-124 121-135 131-147
5’4″ 114-127 124-138 134-151
5’5″ 117-130 127-141 137-155
5’6″ 120-133 130-144 140-159
5’7″ 123-136 133-147 143-163
5’8″ 126-139 136-150 146-167
5’9″ 129-142 139-153 149-170
5’10” 132-145 142-156 152-173
5’11” 135-148 145-159 155-176
6’0″ 138-151 148-162 158-179

You can learn what your ideal weight range is by looking at a chart or asking your doctor or nutritionist. Ideal weight ranges are calculated for males and females, and adults and children. Ideal weight ranges are based on your height and bone size. People can be small, medium, or large boned.

How do People Become Overweight?

People can become overweight if they consume more calories from food and drinks than they burn off through exercise and activity. A calorie is a unit of measure for energy. Your body needs a daily amount of calories to use for energy. However, when people eat too much or make unhealthy food choices, they can consume more many calories than their bodies need. If they fail to get enough activity to burn off the extra calories, the excess calories add up to extra pounds.

How do People Become Underweight?

People can become underweight if they do not consume enough calories from food and drinks. People can become underweight if they exercise too much and burn off too many calories. Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, can cause people to become severely underweight and lead to serious medical complications.

Weight Management

Weight management entails knowing what your target weight and BMI goals are and participating in a plan to attain and maintain your goals. People that are overweight should eat a balanced diet and get regular exercise. People that are underweight should eat a well balanced diet designed to achieve an ideal weight and prevent losing weight that has been gained. Exercise is important for people that are underweight, but their exercise recommendations are different from those for people that are overweight.

Your doctor can make recommendations for a weight management program that is specific for your health needs. You may be referred to a nutritionist that can help you plan daily meals. ( presents helpful guidelines for healthy eating and exercise. Counseling may help if you have an eating disorder.

It is important to have your doctor examine you before embarking on an exercise regime. Your doctor may refer you to an exercise physiologist that can help you formulate and gradually increase an exercise program specifically designed for your body. By managing your weight responsibly, you can improve your health and reduce your risk for future health concerns.

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This information is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of an individual consultation or examination or replace the advice of your health care professional and should not be relied upon to determine diagnosis or course of treatment.

The iHealthSpot patient education library was written collaboratively by the iHealthSpot editorial team which includes Senior Medical Authors Dr. Mary Car-Blanchard, OTD/OTR/L and Valerie K. Clark, and the following editorial advisors: Steve Meadows, MD, Ernie F. Soto, DDS, Ronald J. Glatzer, MD, Jonathan Rosenberg, MD, Christopher M. Nolte, MD, David Applebaum, MD, Jonathan M. Tarrash, MD, and Paula Soto, RN/BSN. This content complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. The library commenced development on September 1, 2005 with the latest update/addition on February 16, 2022. For information on iHealthSpot’s other services including medical website design, visit