Robotic Surgery Specialist in Boca Raton, Florida
Stern Comprehensive Women’s Healthcare
Board Certified Obstetrics & Gynecologist & Aesthetic and Wellness Specialists located in Boca Raton, FL
Technology has advanced significantly since medical practitioners started performing surgeries. Yet so many are still using the same open surgery procedures, leaving their patients with scarring and lengthy healing times. At Stern Comprehensive Women’s Healthcare in Boca Raton, Florida, Rebecca Stern, MD, offers an alternative. With the da Vinci® Surgical System, she performs minimally invasive robotic surgery. Learn more by calling her office.
Robotic Surgery Q & A
What is robotic surgery?
Robotic surgery is a way to perform the surgical procedure your body needs while minimizing the invasiveness of the procedure.
Dr. Stern uses the da Vinci surgical system for her robotic surgeries. This innovative system has been used to perform more than 6 million surgeries around the world and was FDA-cleared in 2000.
How does robotic surgery work?
The difference between robotic surgery and traditional surgery is in the highly precise movements and tiny instruments.
She controls the movement of these instruments via a console. The console translates the movement she makes with her hands to precise instrument movement.
If she turns her wrist, for example, the wrist of the instrument moves. Dr. Stern has the same range of motion she would with her hands, but the instruments are smaller and more accurate than human fingers and can maneuver in smaller spaces.
At the same time, the da Vinci system delivers magnified, high-definition, 3D views of the surgery site.
Dr. Stern uses robotic surgery to perform a wide range of procedures, including but not limited to:
- Hysterectomies
- Myomectomies
- Oophorectomies
- Salpingectomies
What are the benefits of robotic surgery?
The da Vinci robotic surgery is designed to replace traditional surgery with a minimally invasive procedure. The instruments used during robot-assisted surgery are significantly smaller than human hands. This allows the surgeon to perform precise, controlled movements through several small incisions.
The technology of the da Vinci system gives Dr. Stern a clear view of the surgical site in high-definition 3D on a screen, and she performs your entire procedure by inserting the instruments through these tiny incisions.
Minimizing the size and number of incisions required for your procedure delivers a number of benefits.
First, it limits the risks of complications during your surgery. Second, it means you’ll be left with little to no scarring.
While the large-scale incisions required for traditional surgery almost always leave noticeable scars, the small size of the incisions required to perform robotic surgery means they heal with minimal, virtually invisible scarring.
Finally, the minimally invasive surgery shrinks your recovery time and lessens your pain during the healing process.
Helping you get back to your daily life with minimal pain is one of the main reasons Dr. Stern decided to adopt the da Vinci surgical system at Stern Comprehensive Women’s Healthcare.
To learn more about the robotic surgeries Dr. Stern performs, call her office or book your appointment online.