2 Weeks Checkup
1 Month Checkup
2 Months Vaxelis#1, Pneumococcal#1, Rotavirus#1 Checkup
4 Months
Vaxelis#2, Pneumococcal#2, Rotavirus#2
6 Months
Vaxelis#3, Pneumococcal#3Rotavirus#3, Hgb
9 Months Urine Checkup
12 Months
MMR#I, ChickenPox#I, Hep A#1, Hgb
15 Months
HIB#4, Pneumococcal#4
18 Months
DTaP#4, HepA#2
2 Years
3 Years Urine Checkup
4 Years
MMR#2, ChickenPox#2, Urine
5 Years Quadracel, Hgb, Urine Checkup
Ages 6 thru 8 Years, Annually Urine Checkup
Age 9 and 10 Years HPV#1 and #2, Urine Checkup
Age 11 Tdap, Meningococcal#1, Hgb, Cholesterol Checkup
Ages 12-15, Annually Urine Checkup
Age 16 Meningococcal #2, Urine Checkup
Age 17 Meningococcal B, Urine Checkup
Ages 18-21 Urine Checkup

*Note: HepB#1 is usually given to the newborn in the hospital prior to discharge.

*Vaxelis=DTaP, HIB, Hep B, and Polio              

Quadracel=DTaP and Polio

The Meningococcal vaccine is given twice during adolescence, starting at age 11-12 years, for protection against this serious bacterial disease. The second dose is given after age 16 years.

The Meningococcal B vaccine is a separate vaccine offered as a 2 shot series before patients start college.

The HPV vaccine series, 3 shots given over 6 months, is approved for ages 9 years through 45 years to help prevent cervical cancer, genital warts, anal cancer, and certain oropharyngeal cancers. It is recommended for boys as well as girls. Update: It is a 2 shot series if the vaccine is begun before age 15 years.

After age 6 months, the influenza vaccine is recommended annually. The flu vaccine is available as a shot. There is also a nasal flu vaccine which may be used in children 2 years and older.

A routine Hemoglobin(Hgb) test to screen for possible anemia is done at approximately 6 months and 12 months of age and periodically thereafter.

**The cholesterol test is performed between 9-12 years of age. Recent medical research has shown that high cholesterol levels in children may predispose to the development of subsequent early coronary heart disease. Proper precautions taken early may prevent or delay this possibility.  High risk families will be tested more often.

A TuberculosisTest may be done selectively to detect this disease. Please let your doctor know  if a family member or a close contact of your child has been diagnosed with TB or if your child has traveled to an area where TB is common.

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