If you have recently found out you are pregnant, you are probably going to a prenatal check-up and are researching everything you can about what to drink when pregnant to keep you and your baby safe. Drinking enough fluids is so important in keeping you both healthy. This article will answer some of your most pressing questions, such as pregnancy drinks to avoid, can you drink wine while pregnant, and what are the most healthy drinks for pregnancy?
Best Drink for Pregnancy: Water
Water should be number one on any list when it comes to safe drinks for pregnant women. On average you should drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water every day. This is extremely important when it comes to pregnancy drinks, as you need enough water to keep both you and your baby hydrated and healthy.
You might be asking: but what makes water a healthy drink for pregnancy?
Well, water contains vital nutrients which are necessary for not just your body, but for your baby to have the required prenatal vitamins to ensure good health. Not only is it great for your child, but it also helps reduce cramps, fatigue, and infections that often come with a pregnancy if you don’t have the right nutrients.
Best Drinks for Pregnancy: Dairy Milk
Dairy milk is another healthy drink for pregnancy and is especially important towards the end of your pregnancy. The reason for this is that the further into the pregnancy you get, the more the baby’s bones start to form, which increases the amount of calcium and protein they need.
Make sure that when you get dairy milk it is pasteurized. This should be easy to do, as the vast majority of milk you get from a grocery store is pasteurized, but it is always a good idea to take a look at the label first.
The reason for this is that the pasteurization process gets rid of tons of harmful bacteria such as E. Coli and Listeria, reducing your chances of getting ill.
Are you lactose intolerant? No worries, simply consume non-dairy products that still have calcium inside, such as oatmeal and calcium supplements to get the recommended amount of nutrients for you and your child. Fresh orange juice is also one of the best drinks for pregnancy that contains lots of calcium.
Calcium is one of the most important nutrients your body and baby need. Vitamin D is a great way to go about absorbing and storing the calcium needed. If you don’t have enough vitamin D, you and your baby’s body will take calcium from the bones, which will make them much weaker.
To get vitamin D, you can eat eggs, fish, and cereal, as well as spend enough time outside in the sunlight. You don’t have to be out for too long, simply spending 10 to 15 minutes outside every day will provide you with exactly what you need to stay healthy and get lots of calcium.
Drinks for Pregnant Women: Herbal Tea
Unlike normal tea, which is quite unhealthy for you due to the high amounts of caffeine inside, herbal tea is a great pregnancy drink for women. Ginger and lemon balm herbal teas in particular are especially great. Ginger helps with an upset stomach and is also ideal for reducing nausea that you may experience when pregnant.
If you usually have your tea with some sugar, you can still do that with herbal tea, as long as it is only a teaspoon or two, and you don’t exceed your recommended daily sugar intake.
Healthy Drinks for Pregnancy: Fruit and Vegetable Smoothies
Remember, your daily intake of food and vegetables should be around 2 cups of fruit and 3 cups of vegetables daily.
Because this can sometimes be difficult to fit into your daily routine, smoothies are a great pregnancy drink to help you out with this. What’s more, they can be a scrumptious way to do so while getting in some extra liquids at the same time.
However, don’t go too crazy when you’re having your smoothies. Remember to keep to your daily calorie intake levels otherwise, you may go over the limit when you factor in your other drinks and meals for the day.
What’s more, make sure to keep your sugar levels low. Many fruits have natural sugars, so monitoring this is a must.
The Solution to the Question: Can You Drink Wine While Pregnant?
Many pregnant women often ask us the question: can you drink wine while pregnant?
Although some people believe that the answer to can you drink wine while pregnant is yes but in small amounts, this isn’t completely accurate. In fact, the CDC recommends completely abstaining from alcohol if you are pregnant.
The alcohol that you consume passes into your bloodstream, which then goes to the baby through the umbilical cord.
If you don’t reduce and stop your alcohol consumption, there are tons of risks and birth defects that your baby may have. This includes:
- Heart, kidney, and bone problems
- Small head
- Hyperactivity
- Smaller height than average
- Poor memory
- Attention disorders
- Visual/hearing problems
- Lower IQ than average
- Central nervous system issues
Alcohol-free wine is perfectly safe and is one of the best drinks for pregnancy. It provides you with that delicious taste of wine without all the dangerous side effects that alcohol may cause.
What to Drink When Pregnant: Sports Drinks
Certain sports drinks that contain lots of electrolytes, such as Gatorade or Powerade, are perfect for providing more nutrients that you need, all while keeping you hydrated with its fluids.
Also, they are known for helping to reduce the pain that accompanies morning sickness, such as lessening leg cramps and nausea.
However, make sure to check the labels, and make sure that you don’t have too many, as they are often high in sugar.
Unhealthy Drinks for Pregnant Women
There are many unhealthy drinks for pregnant women that you need to be aware of.
As we’ve mentioned earlier, stopping alcohol consumption is really important to ensure you and your baby are healthy.
However, this isn’t the only drink that you should avoid as a pregnant woman.
Soda, which is filled to the brim with sugar and calories, should also be avoided, as it could potentially increase the risk of your baby being overweight later on.
You should also limit your intake of caffeinated drinks such as coffee. But you are more than welcome to consume decaffeinated coffee if you love that sweet taste of freshly brewed coffee in the morning.
You should always think about your calorie and sugar intake when wondering what to drink when pregnant. The more you go over the limit the worse it is for your child. On the other hand, ensuring you have enough vitamins is key. By drinking safe and nutritious drinks you are sure to keep you and your baby in great condition for a healthy pregnancy.
Speak To an Expert Today
If you are worried about your diet, it would be wise to speak to an expert.
Located in South Miami, OB-GYN Specialists can provide specialist advice to any questions you may have regarding what to drink when pregnant. Our team understands that pregnancy can be overwhelming for many new moms and that’s why we’re here to offer a helping hand to ensure all the right decisions are being made along your journey. Book an appointment today.