Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Specialist

What is PCOS?

Looking at the role your ovaries play in your reproductive system can help you understand polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Each month, your ovaries produce an egg, which they prepare and release for fertilization. This action is dictated by your hormones, primarily estrogen and progesterone, which are also produced by your ovaries.

PCOS disrupts the hormonal balance in your ovaries, causing a disruption in egg production and release. Often eggs don’t develop correctly, or they aren’t released as they should be during your ovulation cycles, which can lead to cysts on your ovaries.

The hormonal imbalance also creates higher levels of androgen, the hormone responsible for male characteristics.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

PCOS often strikes women in their 20s and 30s and is most often marked by the following symptoms:

  • Failure to get pregnant
  • Irregular periods
  • Cysts on your ovaries
  • Hirsutism, or unwanted hair growth on the face and other parts of the body
  • Acne
  • Thinning hair on your head

In effect, PCOS packs a double punch by affecting the hormones in your body, as well as creating physical problems due to the cysts on your ovaries. Dr. Halfon understands this and works tirelessly toward a solution that best meets your goals.

What causes PCOS?

The exact cause of PCOS has yet to be determined, but genetics are believed to play a significant role. The condition also correlates with an excess of insulin in your body, which spurs production of androgen. Finally, doctors believe that obesity may also contribute to PCOS.

How is PCOS treated?

There’s no cure for PCOS, but there’s much Dr. Halfon can do to mitigate your symptoms, allowing you to regain control over your health and wellbeing. Hormonal birth control methods can regulate your hormone imbalance, which combats irregular periods and prevents the development of male characteristics.

This treatment, however, isn’t helpful for women who wish to get pregnant. If you fall into this category, Dr. Halfon prescribes medications to help you ovulate. Dr. Halfon may also suggest different fertility options with you, such as in vitro fertilization.

If you have weight issues, Dr. Halfon recommends lifestyle changes that can have a positive impact on your PCOS, namely exercising and eating better to shed those extra pounds.

Whatever your goals, Dr. Halfon works with you to help you overcome the effects of PCOS. Call or schedule an appointment online now.

Our Services



Annual Pap Smear

Birth Control



Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Heavy Period Treatment

Ovarian Cysts

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Telehealth Medicine

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