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Female Sexual Dysfunction: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

2024-04-24T14:53:54+00:00March 11th, 2024|Health, Sexual Dysfunction|

Struggles with sexual health can often feel overwhelming and isolating, yet they are commonly faced by many women. Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD), a term used to describe persistent, recurrent problems with sexual response or desire, is estimated to affect nearly 40% of women worldwide. This pervasive issue can arise as a result of myriad physical, [...]

Bladder Weakness After Childbirth & What Can You Do About It

2024-04-24T14:27:47+00:00January 9th, 2024|Health|

A profound yet often underdiscussed transformation, childbirth, has a lasting impact on a woman's body. Among these changes, pregnancy-related incontinence or postpartum urinary incontinence perhaps figure as some of the less appreciated changes. A delicate topic largely relegated to hushed conversations on motherhood, bladder weakness after childbirth is far more prevalent than many realize. Imagine [...]

PCOS Diet: Which Food to Avoid and the Best Food for POCS

2022-08-29T09:44:28+00:00August 29th, 2022|Diet, Health, PCOS|

Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is a condition that seriously affects women's reproductive health, where the ovaries produce an abnormal amount of male hormones and, in that way, affect the functioning of the reproductive system as a whole.  Some symptoms of PCOS are irregular periods, high levels of androgen hormones, acne, hair growth, heavy bleeding, [...]

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