A spontaneous loss of a pregnancy or a miscarriage is an occurrence where the mother loses her pregnancy before week 20. Unfortunately, studies show that almost 20% of pregnancies result in a miscarriage, but because many of them occur very early in the pregnancy and women are not even aware of them, this number is probably even higher.
The word itself suggests that something did not go right during the carrying of the pregnancy, but this is not true in 90% of the cases. Pregnancy loss most often occurs because the infant is not developing as it should.
It is unfortunate to say, but having a miscarriage is not a seldom occurrence. It happens quite often to women everywhere, so to overcome the stress of losing a child, it is essential to clarify what causes a miscarriage, what are the signs of a miscarriage and how to medically approach it after it happens.
All of the information mentioned above is available online, but due to a high amount of misinformation, your most trusted resource is your chosen doctor. Picking an expert who will guide you through your pregnancy and the miscarriage is of crucial importance for your healing. Teams such as My OBGYN Specialists are an excellent opportunity to explore because their experienced staff is ready to answer any challenge and support all of their patients going through an unfortunate event such as a pregnancy loss.
Signs of a Miscarriage
Most cases of miscarriage occur before week 12 of the pregnancy. These are most often referred to as early miscarriages, so below, you can find a list of signs of early miscarriage and what they entail.
- Light bleeding is widespread early in the pregnancy, but make sure it is not connected to a possible miscarriage
- Brown discharge that looks like grounds of coffee is old blood that has been sitting in the uterus and is slowly coming out
- Pink or clear vaginal fluid
- Bright red clots or bleeding
- Spotting
- Pain in the abdomen
- Cramping
- Vaginal tissue passage
- Breast tenderness and nausea start to disappear
- Lightheadedness
- Dizziness
If any of the signs mentioned above of early miscarriage start to occur, please contact your doctor immediately. You will need to have an evaluation of your medical condition and an ultrasound examination of the uterus. Some experts recommend collecting the passed fetal tissue (if that occurs in your case) and bringing it to the doctor for examination and analysis.
What Causes a Miscarriage?
As said earlier, most miscarriages occur because the fetus in the womb is not developing as it should. More than 50% of pregnancy losses are related to missing or extra chromosomes, and other chromosome issues develop during the errors occurring as the embryo grows and divides.
So there are two primary sources of issues when it comes to causes of miscarriage, and they are:
- Issues with genetics and chromosomes: As mentioned above, more than half of the cases of pregnancy loss occur due to chromosomal issues. These complications very often lead to the following conditions:
- Intrauterine fetal demise occurs when the embryo is formed but stops developing and dies before the pregnancy symptoms start to happen.
- A blighted ovum happens when the embryo does not form at all.
- Molar pregnancy is the condition where both sets of chromosomes come from the male side. The placenta grows abnormally, and the fetus does not develop.
- A partial molar pregnancy occurs when the mother’s chromosomes are present, but the father’s side still provides two sets of chromosomes. This condition is also connected to placenta abnormalities and issues with the fetus. Both molar and partial molar pregnancies are not healthy and are very often related to cancer issues with the placenta.
- Issues with the mother’s health: In some cases, the mother’s health can impact the occurrence of a miscarriage. In these situations, the most common health problems include:
- Problems with diabetes that are not controlled
- Different infections
- Hormonal problems
- Issues with the cervix or the uterus
- Thyroid problems
It is essential to underline what does not cause a miscarriage to debunk some common mistakes people make when speaking about the causes of miscarriage. So, the following does not cause a pregnancy loss:
- Exercising, jogging, and cycling
- Sexual intercourse during pregnancy
- Working (unless your work includes unwanted exposures to radiation and chemicals)
The potential for the development of different conditions, including a miscarriage, can be increased by certain risk factors. In regards to today’s topic, the related risks are:
- Age of the mother because women who are older than 35 have a 20% higher risk of miscarriage than younger women. As they age, the percentage is even higher, so at 40 years old, the risk is around 40%, and at 45, the risk climbs up to 80%.
- Having a previous miscarriage is something that always raises the percentage of risk when it comes to pregnancy loss. Women who have suffered two or more miscarriages, one after the other, have a higher risk of suffering another one.
- Chronic conditions of the mother, which are also mentioned above, present a high risk for experiencing pregnancy loss.
- Issues with the uterus or the cervix: Different uterine problems or weak tissues of the cervix can increase the risk
- Using opiates, cigarettes, or alcohol during pregnancy can be very problematic in general but also present a risk for a miscarriage.
- Being overweight or underweight when you are pregnant is not recommended and can lead to spontaneously losing your child.
Can I Prevent a Miscarriage?
Prevention tactics when it comes to pregnancy loss have still not been created. Most often, you cannot do anything to prevent it, but taking good care of your health and your body, as well as your baby’s health, can help you maintain a healthy pregnancy. Here are some common recommendations:
- Have regular prenatal care appointments with a certified expert
- Avoid smoking, drug use, and alcohol consumption
- Take your daily vitamins
- Do not consume too much coffee
- Take care of your chronic conditions
- Avoid doing any unnecessary tests on the fetus
- Keep a healthy weight by exercising and eating nutritious foods
- If you are older, make sure you have regular doctor’s appointments regarding your personal health
If the miscarriage does occur, it is essential to react immediately. Call your doctor and schedule an appointment right away. Different complications can occur if you do not react promptly, and they are most often related to vaginal and uterine infections. If you experience fever, chills, tenderness in the lower abdomen, and foul-smelling discharge, this can mean you are suffering from an infection. Please be responsible and contact your doctor as soon as possible.
We Are Here for You!
Miscarriage is never easy on anyone. Losing a child is a process that has to be handled both on a physical but also on an emotional level. Our team is here for you, so give us a call and let us take care of you in your time of need.