Colposcopy Specialist
Carrie Greenspan, MD
Gynecology & Aesthetic Services located in Coral Springs, FL
If your Pap test is abnormal, additional screening with a quick in-office procedure called a colposcopy can help safeguard your health. A gynecologist with more than three decades of experience, Carrie Greenspan, MD, FACOG, performs colposcopies in her Coral Springs, Florida, office. If need be, you can rely on her for appropriate follow-up care, including gynecologic surgery. Make an appointment for a colposcopy today by calling or booking a consultation online.
Colposcopy Q & A
What is a colposcopy?
Colposcopy is a procedure Dr. Greenspan performs if your Pap test reveals abnormalities or as a follow-up to a pelvic exam. A colposcope is a magnifying device. Dr. Greenspan uses the device to look at the cells on your cervix or other tissues.
During the procedure, she also may take biopsies of your cervical tissue to send to a lab for testing. The results help her to recommend the right treatment for you, if necessary.
Why do I need a colposcopy?
Dr. Greenspan usually recommends a colposcopy when your pelvic exam or Pap smear reveal abnormalities. A colposcopy may help to diagnose:
- An inflammation of your cervix (cervicitis)
- Precancerous changes in the tissue of your cervix or vagina
A colposcopy also helps Dr. Greenspan to identify genital warts.
What happens during a colposcopy?
A colposcopy is a quick outpatient procedure performed in the office of Carrie Greenspan, MD, FACOG. The process is short, typically taking approximately 5-10 minutes.
After you arrive at the office, you undress from the waist down. You recline on an exam table, then Dr. Greenspan gently opens your vagina with a speculum. She may perform a repeat Pap test, or begin by inserting the colposcope. She applies a vinegar-like solution to your cervix to help to highlight any abnormal tissues. You may feel a cold sensation when the solution is applied.
Depending on what she sees, Dr. Greenspan takes small samples of tissue from your cervix or vagina. This process may cause discomfort or cramps. Dr. Greenspan then applies a liquid-bandage solution to the areas where she took samples.
What happens after a colposcopy?
You can go back to work or school after the colposcopy. You may feel mild pain or cramping, which typically goes away in 1-2 hours.
If Dr. Greenspan took tissue samples, you may notice minor bleeding or discharge that’s brown or black and resembles coffee grounds. These side effects generally go away within a few days.
Dr. Greenspan notifies you of your results when the tests are complete. She talks with you about follow-up care if your test results show signs of severe abnormalities.
If you’ve had an abnormal Pap smear or need a colposcopy, you can rely on Carrie Greenspan, MD, FACOG, for expert care for your gynecologic health. Call today or book a consultation online.