The Diagnostic Center for Women offers a variety of Breast Imaging services using state of the art equipment. These services include screening mammograms, diagnostic mammograms, breast ultrasound and now Breast MRI.

For continuity of care and for your convenience, we also offer breast biopsy services in the comfort of our Center. These include stereotactic core and ultrasound guided core biopsies, fine needle aspirations and cyst aspirations.

Digital Mammography

Digital mammography is a specialized form of mammography that uses digital receptors and computers instead of x-ray film to help examine breast tissue for breast cancer. The electrical signals can be read on computer screens, permitting more use of images to allow radiologists a clear view of the results.

3D Mammography, clinically known as, Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT), obtains multiple images of the breast and reconstructs them to create a 3D image of the breast rather than a single image. This technology improves the detection of small cancers and has been shown to reduce the number of patients recalled for more imaging due to false positives. This is used for screening patients, and can also be utilized as an additional screening tool if a patient’s 2-D mammogram shows dense breast tissue.

Screening mammography is used to detect breast changes in women who have no signs or symptoms of observable breast abnormalities. American Cancer Society, American College of Radiology and Society of Breast Imaging recommend annual screening mammograms begin at age 40. The goal is to detect cancer before clinical signs are noticeable.

Diagnostic mammography is used to investigate suspicious breast changes, such as a breast lump, breast pain, an unusual skin appearance, nipple thickening or nipple discharge. Additional exams, such as a breast ultrasound, may be performed to aid in diagnosis.

Breast Ultrasound

A breast ultrasound uses sound waves to create a picture of the tissues inside the breast. Unlike a mammogram, a breast ultrasound shows all areas of the breast, including the area closest to the chest wall, which is hard to study with a mammogram. A breast ultrasound should not replace a mammogram, but it is helpful to see whether a breast lump is filled with fluid, known as a cyst, or if it is a solid lump. It does not use x-rays or other potentially harmful types of radiation.

Breast Biopsy

A breast biopsy is a quick, accurate, and minimally invasive procedure that evaluates a suspicious area in the breast to determine if it is cancer. A small sample of breast tissue is removed for laboratory testing to identify and diagnose abnormalities in the cells to see if additional surgery or treatment is necessary.

This is a minimally invasive procedure that provides accurate results for lesions that are best seen on mammogram images. During this procedure, the patient may be sitting or lying down. The breast is placed in compression (like a mammogram). Digital images are taken and stereotactic coordinates are used to localize the lesion within the breast. The breast radiologist will give local anesthesia and make a small skin nick. A needle is then placed in the breast and multiple specimens are obtained. These specimens are sent to a pathology lab to determine if the lesion is benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancer). At the completion of the procedure, a permanent biopsy marker is then inserted into the biopsy cavity for future reference.

This is a minimally invasive procedure that provides accurate results for lesions that are best seen on ultrasound images. During this procedure, the patient lies on their back or side. The breast radiologist will confirm the location of the lesion using an ultrasound probe. Local anesthesia is given into the skin and around the targeted lesion. A biopsy needle is then guided directly into the lesion under ultrasound guidance. Multiple tissue specimens are then obtained. These specimens are sent to a pathology lab to determine if the lesion is benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancer). At the completion of the procedure, a permanent biopsy marker is then inserted into the biopsy cavity for future reference.

An MRI-guided breast biopsy uses magnetic resonance imaging to evaluate breast tissue. Certain tissue characteristics that are not easily seen on ultrasound or mammography can be detected by MRI. The images are used to locate suspicious regions of breast tissue and visually assist in taking samples. Since MRI uses magnetic fields to obtain images, there is no radiation exposure.

Fine Needle Aspiration

During a fine-needle aspiration, a thin needle is inserted into a breast lump to withdraw fluid. This procedure is often done using ultrasound to guide accurate placement of the needle. If the fluid comes out and your lump goes away successfully, your doctor can make a breast cyst diagnosis.

Cyst Aspiration

This is a simple procedure performed to drain a symptomatic or questionable cyst within the breast tissue. In this procedure, local anesthesia is used to numb the skin. Then the breast radiologist guides a thin needle into the cyst using ultrasound guidance. The fluid is then withdrawn into a syringe. The fluid is usually discarded (not tested) unless blood is found.

Breast MRI

A Breast MRI is an imaging test that helps determine if a lump in the breast is cancerous or benign. This test uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio waves to make pictures of the breast. The Breast MRI may show problems in the breast that cannot be seen on a mammogram, ultrasound, or CT scan. The picture shows your breast’s normal structure, and identifies tissue damage or disease, inflammation, or a lump.

Diagnostic Center for Women is now offering fast breast MRI to average risk women with dense breasts.
What is Fast breast MRI (Abbreviated Breast MRI)? It is a faster more affordable breast MRI protocol that takes approximately 5-7minutes as oppose to conventional breast MRI which takes 15-20 minutes.

Genetic Testing for Hereditary Cancer Risk

Hereditary cancer is caused by an inherited genetic mutation. Approximately, 10-15% of most cancers are due to inherited genetic mutations. In these families, it is typical to see a recurring pattern of cancer across two to three generations—like multiple individuals diagnosed with the same type of cancer(s) and individuals diagnosed with cancer much younger than average.

A mutation can greatly increase your risk for developing cancer. Mutations in the genes that increase risk for cancer are not that common, but when present they significantly increase the chances someone might develop cancer in his or her lifetime.

For example, a BRCA1 mutation can increase a woman’s chance of breast cancer up to 81% and ovarian cancer up to 54% by age 80.

Your provider may adjust your screening plan if you have a mutation.

Knowing that you have a mutation that increases your risk of developing cancer allows you and your healthcare provider to create a personalized screening plan, which increases the chance of early detection.

The Diagnostic Center for Women is partnering with Color to offer comprehensive genetic testing for 8 different types of cancer (Breast, Ovarian, Colon, Uterine, Melanoma, Stomach, Pancreatic and Prostate) to any person who is interested in learning if they have an increased risk for hereditary cancer.


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