For Parents
For Parents
Recommended Resources
- American Academy of Pediatrics, an organization of pediatricians dedicated to the health of all children
- American College of Pediatricians, a national organization of pediatricians dedicated to the health of children
- Couple to Couple League supports natural family planning consistent with God’s plan for life, love, and marriage
- Fertility Care Centers of America
- Healthy Children, a parenting website committed to the well-being of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults
- La Leche League International, helping mothers to breastfeed
- Tylenol and Motrin dosage guidelines
- Vaccination schedule published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Recommended SmartPhone Apps
- American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommended mobile apps
- Baby Sparks, support your baby’s development with a personalized activity program
- Child Health Tracker (for iPhone), on-demand access to your child’s health information
- KidsDoc, a symptom-checker – download it now for iPhone or Android
- Vaccines on the Go provides the public with information about the science, safety, and importance of vaccines – download it now for iPhone or Android