Family Planning
Not ready to get pregnant? We can help pick a option that works for you!
Different birth control methods work for different women, we can help identify the one that works best for you.
1) MALE CONDOM: The Male condom is made out of thin latex; it is laid over the penis and halts sperm from entering the vagina. It’s 98 percent operational if used accurately rendering to the instructions – but in reality is 82 percent effective for the normal woman.
2) FEMALE CONDOM: This is made of thin polyurethane that lightly lines the vagina and breaks sperm from entering. It’s 95 percent effective if used affording to instruction – but 79 percent effective for the average woman.
3) CONTRACEPTIVE INJECTION: The contraceptive injection is a long-acting alterable contraception that does not be influenced by on taking it daily and is more than 99 percent operative. It works by a doctor or nurse introducing progestogen injected into the body and lasts for eight to 13 weeks contingent on the type used.
4) CONTRACEPTIVE IMPLANT: This type of birth control method is a small flexible rod that is positioned under the skin of the upper arm by a health professional and issues progestogen to stop ovulation. It is a long-acting reversible contraception that does not hang on you taking it daily and is over 99 percent effective.
5) INTRAUTERINE DEVICE (IUD): This device is a small plastic and copper device known as a ‘coil’ that is positioned into the uterus by a doctor or nurse. IUD is a long-acting reversible contraception that does not depend on you taking it day-to-day and is over 99 percent effective. It works proximately and can stay in from five to 10 years, though it can be detached at any period by a health professional.
6) INTRAUTERINE SYSTEM (IUS): The intrauterine system is a small elastic device that’s implanted into the uterus by a health professional and slowly issues the hormone progestogen into the womb. It is a long-acting reversible contraception that does not depend on you taking it regularly day to day and is over 99 percent effective.
7) CONTRACEPTIVE PATCH: The patch is a small patch you stick on to the skin that releases estrogen and progestogen. It ends ovulation and is over 99 percent actual if used according to instructions – but 91 percent effective for the average woman.
8) CONTRACEPTIVE VAGINAL RING: The contraceptive vaginal ring is a small plastic ring a female inserts into her vagina each month and releases hormones to halt ovulation. It is over 99 percent effective if used according to instructions – but 91 percent effective for the average woman. It is used for three weeks out of four.
9) COMBINED PILL: The combined pill is an everyday oral contraceptive that comprises estrogen and progestogen and is over 99 percent operational if used rendering to instructions – but 91 percent effective for the average woman. It is essential to be taken daily.
10) PROGESTOGEN-ONLY PILL: This contraceptive pill is a daily oral contraceptive that holds the hormone progestogen and is over 99 percent effective if used according to instructions – but 91 percent effective for the average woman. It may stop periods or make them lighter but can source impermanent side-effects.
11) DIAPHRAGM: This is a soft dome made of latex or silicone and is used with spermicide. It is placed into the vagina to shield the cervix and is 92 to 96 percent effective when used properly – but 88 percent effective for the average woman. It must be taken daily at the same period and is not operative if taken over three to 12 hours late.
12) CAP: The contraceptive cap is parallel to the diaphragm, though it is commonly always made of silicone. It is set into the vagina to shield the cervix and is 92 to 96 percent effective when used appropriately – but 88 percent effective for the average woman. It is recyclable, comes in diverse sizes and it must be fitted by a skilled doctor or nurse.
13) NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: Natural family planning, also identified as fertility awareness, depend on you knowing the productive and infertile times of your menstrual cycle, by observing different pointers to show when you can have sex without the risk of pregnancy. It is up to 99 percent effective when used correctly but 72 percent operative for the average woman. It takes three to six menstrual cycles to learn it. Some NFP methods are now available on mobile apps.
14) FEMALE STERILIZATION (TUBAL OCCLUSION): Female sterilization is a perpetual method for women who are sure they will certainly not want children. It works by cutting or sealing the fallopian tubes in a procedure.
15) MALE STERILIZATION (VASECTOMY): Male sterilizations is a permanent technique for men who are sure they will never want children. The tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the man’s penis are cut, closed or tied.
16) NATURAL CYCLES APP: This is an app which serves you to understand how your cycle works. You can only get pregnant throughout six days in your cycle. This app finds those days for you. All you must to do is measure your temperature in the morning, come into the app and it will give you a red or a green day liable on whether you need to use protection.
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