Let’s face it, none of us ladies look forward to that time of the month. While our body is going through a beautiful and transformative time, it also comes with a host of different symptoms. Maybe you suffer from cramps and migraines during your period or while you PMS. Or perhaps you suffer from vaginal dryness before a period.
Vaginal itching before your period may stir up some anxieties and discomfort. Before you start googling “vaginal discomfort before my period” or “vaginal itching before period,” it is necessary to remember that vaginal dryness before a period is normal.
Many women experience a dry vagina before their period. While this symptom is seemingly less discussed than the infamous period cramps, dryness is still a legitimate concern. Itching and soreness can be a symptom of a dry vagina. However, we always advise scheduling a women’s health exam to rule out anything more serious. Certain infections need to be correctly diagnosed and treated by a trusted healthcare professional.
If you feel itchy down there during your period, this could mean that you have cyclic vulvovaginitis or a vaginal infection like a yeast infection. Most vaginal infections are not severe, and treatment can help them go away or soothe symptoms. Going in for an annual women’s health exam can keep your health in check. This article will explain why you experience vaginal dryness before a period and how to soothe vaginal itching before a period.
Vaginal Itching Before a Period
Why am I itching? If you’ve asked yourself this question, you know the frustration. Feeling itchy down there can feel annoying and awkward. Maybe you have even felt embarrassed to be in public while experiencing this symptom. You may have a scratchy or sore vagina before a period. Did you know that certain period products can actually trigger discomfort or itching? It’s true, and even product marketing can advertise sensitivity. That is why we must always be very careful and read product labels, opt for fragrance-free, and never, we repeat, never douche. It is very irritating to the sensitive skin down there.
The hormonal shifts that take place during PMS and our period can cause many annoying symptoms, including a dry vagina before a period. However, itching could be from an infection. If you think you may have an infection, consider when the itching started. If the itching symptom is new to your monthly cycle, scheduling a women’s health exam to rule out other causes is imperative.
Getting to the root of what exactly causes your vaginal discomfort before a period is key to solving the problem at hand. In more detail below, we will look at some of the reasons you are experiencing vaginal itching before a period.
If you have had your period, you have likely experienced bloating. Menstruation actually increases your skin’s sensitivity. For example, getting a bikini wax would be more painful during or right before menstruation. Interestingly enough, some people who suffer from chronic illnesses will report that the symptoms of their disease are heightened during their monthly cycle. This is because the body is more inflamed. If you experience vaginal discomfort before your period, you may be suffering from inflammation.
You can help mitigate inflammation during your period by drinking lots of fluids. Fluids can help flush out toxins and drain your body. Maybe even reach for some ibuprofen or Tylenol. It is important to remember that itching can sometimes make you have an even more sore vagina before your period, so it is best to avoid scratching. Wearing loose clothing and avoiding tight underwear can help ease irritation. Light exercise can also relieve inflammation in your body.
Feminine Hygiene Products
Did you know that certain period products can contribute to vaginal dryness before your period? It’s true. As we may know, tampons absorb menstrual blood to make it easier to go about your daily activities. However, while they do an excellent job absorbing blood, they can also absorb other vaginal fluids and lubricants, leaving you to feel dry and possibly itchy.
Scented pads or tampons can also irritate your delicate skin down there. Those with susceptible skin can notice dryness, itching, or overall discomfort. If you are using scented period products and are experiencing vaginal irritation, try switching out your products. Certain brands offer unscented pads and products. In addition, you can also choose to use the silicone cup because it is less likely to cause irritation. However, be sure to avoid the silicone cup product if you are allergic or sensitive to silicone materials.
You should avoid douching at all costs, but especially during your period. Douching can irritate the microbial balance of your vagina and lead to infections, which brings us to our next possible cause of a dry vagina before your period, yeast infections.
Yeast Infection
If you have suffered from a yeast infection at one point in your life, you know the struggle. A yeast infection is a fungal invasion in your vaginal area. Sometimes, if you are on an antibiotic, a doctor will recommend you take a probiotic to protect your gut. Probiotics also help keep healthy vaginal bacterias balanced. Douching, pregnancy, diabetes, or antibiotics are all likely causes of a yeast infection.
Yeast infections are very common. They cause extreme itchiness on the vulva, often accompanied by a thick, cottage-cheese like discharge. There are some over-the-counter treatments available. However, if you suffer from chronic yeast infections, you should schedule a women’s health exam to alleviate your discomfort.
Home Remedies
You can take some steps at home to manage your vaginal itching or soreness related to your menstrual cycle.
- Wear loose cotton underwear
- Take a probiotic
- Use a vaginal lubricant or moisturizer
- A vaginal moisturizer can relieve vaginal dryness. There are specific products made for outside the bedroom that can help hydrate your vagina, kind of like a lotion safe for vaginal use.
- Use non-irritating period products
Get a Professional Opinion
It is always important to see a healthcare professional and rule out any other kinds of infections. Especially if you have never had a yeast infection before or if your vaginal pain and itching is new, you want to see a doctor to be safe. You may think you know what you have, but self-diagnosis is not a good idea. If some infections are left untreated, they could affect fertility or the rest of your health. Your doctor can determine if you have an STD, cyclic vulvovaginitis, or BV. These types of infections are more serious, and treatment could solve the symptoms or condition you may have.
If you are suffering from vaginal itching or dryness during or before your period, you are not alone. At Carreras Medical Center, we take your feminine health concerns seriously. You should not suffer from vaginal pain that affects your daily activities, especially during the pain already associated with the monthly menstrual cycle. We can help you with advice and treatment to keep your symptoms at bay. GIve us a call today.