General Surgery
in Miami, Florida

Miami office

Pembroke Pines office

We’re here to help make quality care with advanced technology accessible to our local communities. With decades of experience in minimally invasive surgeries, our team is focused on helping patients feel better and return back to their favorite activities.

Read more below about the procedures we have available for patients.

Gallbladder Removal

Gallbladder removal surgery, also known as cholecystectomy, is a common procedure performed to treat gallstones and other gallbladder-related issues. Dr. Henriquez specializes in minimally invasive Laparoscopic surgery. Patients tend to see shorter recovery times, less pain, and minimal scarring with this procedure.

Hernia Repair

Hernia repair surgery is a crucial procedure to correct hernias, where an organ or tissue pokes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles. Our skilled surgical team uses minimally invasive Laparoscopic techniques to provide effective and comfortable care. If you are experiencing symptoms such as a noticeable bulge, pain, or discomfort, especially when lifting, coughing, or bending, it might be a sign of a hernia.

Services We Offer

Breast Surgical Oncology

Specializing in the surgical treatment of benign and malignant breast disease, our surgical oncologists provide the highest level of care available with a personal approach that supports our patients throughout their treatment journey.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Our highly qualified team will provide a comprehensive breast evaluation and a customized treatment plan that is specific to your needs.

Genetic Counseling and High Risk Screening

Many factors affect your risk of developing breast cancer. At Breast Care Center Miami we use the most up to date risk assessment models to estimate your risk of developing breast cancer. We also provide genetic testing and genetic counseling before and after genetic testing.

Patient Feedback

Rafaela H.

  Great surgeon, very caring and compassionate.  

Selena P.

  I just met him today and he was amazing! Highly recommend him! Good vibes  

Bob D.

  Simply the best!  

Request an Appointment

To schedule an appointment, please call our Miami office at (305) 271-3300 or our Pembroke Pines office at (954) 903-7737