Bioidentical Pellets Hormone Replacement Therapy in Boca Raton, FL

Bioindentical Hormonal therapy using pellet therapy

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a way to bio-identically replace the hormones men and women lose over the course of their lives. BioTE pellets are very small, custom compounded therapies for symptoms that stem from hormonal imbalances. This therapy keeps hormone levels consistent through the day and avoids rollercoaster-like effects from orally administered or topically administered hormones. The pellets contain hormones identical to the ones found in the human body. Studies have shown bio-identical hormones have fewer side effects than synthetic hormones.  If you have any of the following symptoms, you may be a candidate for Bioidentical hormone pellet therapy:

  • Depression
  • Extreme fatigue, difficulty sleeping
  • Low libido
  • Memory loss, mental fog, & confusion
  • Joint pain, night sweats & hot flashes

Bioidentical hormone pellet therapy will:

  • Reduce risk of breast cancer
  • Reduce risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s
  • Increase energy
  • Increase lean muscle and bone mass
  • Reduce belly fat

Call our office today to schedule a consultation visit with Dr. Mark McCormick or Dr. Bradley Douglas.

Patient Feedback


Dr. Lieberman is always so caring and compassionate, she takes the time to listen to any concerns. The front staff is also always very welcoming.  


  Dr Douglas is very thorough, understanding and professional. He is a great doctor..I have been treated by OBGYNs for 60 years. He is the best of all.  


  My experience with Dr. Mark Mccormick has been great, the treatment is perfect, his care has been essential for my well being. He changed my life with his treatment.