Skin Rash Treatment In Miami, Florida
Skin rash, or contact dermatitis, can be a major discomfort for patients, as the condition causes itchy rashes to appear on the skin when coming into direct contact with an allergen that triggers an adverse immune response.
Allergy skin rash can be caused by several harmless substances, like jewelry, plants, cosmetics, fragrances, etc.
Patients with skin rash may often feel discouraged and even hopeless; however, with the help of an experienced skin rash doctor, identifying the problematic allergens and creating an appropriate management plan is simple, whether we’re talking about remedying a reaction or avoidance.

Skin Rash Symptoms
A skin rash or contact dermatitis will usually show up on those areas of the skin that have directly come into contact with the allergen. For instance, rashes may appear on the leg if it is brushed with poison ivy. In these cases, the rash may show up within only a few minutes or hours following exposure, often lasting up to two to four weeks.
The most common skin rash symptoms include:
- A rash on the skin that’s itchy
- Leathery patches on the skin
- Scaly, cracked, dry skin
- Blisters or bumps that may be crusting or oozing
- Tenderness, burning, or swelling
Skin Rash Causes
As mentioned before, contact dermatitis occurs when the skin is exposed to a substance that triggers an (allergic) reaction.
The most common skin rash is irritant contact dermatitis, a nonallergic reaction that happens when a substant damages the skin’s protective outer layer.
These irritants include:
- Detergents and bleach
- Solvents
- Rubber gloves
- Hair products
- Soap
- Fertilizers
- Pesticides
- Airborn substances
- Specific plants
On the other hand, allergic contact dermatitis happens when the substance triggers an immune reaction in the skin. Mostly, it will affect the area the allergen came to contact with, but the adverse response may also be triggered by substances that enter the body via medicine, foods, flavorings, etc.
Common allergens include:
- Nickel
- Antibiotic creams
- Balsam of Peru
- Formaldehyde
- Mango
- Poison ivy
- Ragweed pollen
- Spray insecticides
- Cosmetics and some sunscreen products

Skin Rash Treatment
Seeking the help of a skin allergy doctor is imperative for managing and treating skin rashes. Contact dermatitis can also lead to complications such as infection due to scratching the affected area, which may ooze and become wt, creating a great place for fungi and bacteria to thrive.
That being said, the best skin rash treatment would be helping the patient learn about the best techniques to avoid allergens, keep their skin clean, to wear proper clothing to protect the skin, use the right kind of gels and creams, and more.
At the Miami Allergy and Immunology Center, experts aim to educate their patients about their allergies and help them develop an effective management plan that suits their needs and lifestyle.
Our Office
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00am – 5:00pm
Patient Feedback
The doctor was thorough, professional, personable and compassionate. The staff was courteous and efficient. I feel this practice is outstanding and would highly recommend to my friends and family.
The staff is an absolute “A Plus” extremely kind and professional which is a reflection of Dr. Bassem. Dr. B is an a pleasure to speak to and speaks to you in a soothing tone that is to comfort his patients! I highly recommend going… thankful for them!
The staff was extremely nice and helpful since I walked into the office. Doctor Bassem was super professional, took his time to listen to my concerns and explained to me what could be the possible reasons to my issues and gave me a detail guide of what procedures we were going to do.
I’m very happy with my experience and look forward to continue my treatment
Very quick visit. He was very thorough and able to figure out my issue. Short wait time and very nice environment all around.
Dr. Chahine and staff are all extremely professional and they actually care for their patients. He takes his time to evaluate the condition and then treat it. Also, he gets to know you as a person. I would recommend Dr. Chahine to everyone!